Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
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PubIt V1.01 - The Public Public-Screen-Creator
Copyright © 1994 by Christoph (Confusio) Rickers
D o c u m e n t a t i o n
DISCLAIMER: PubIt is NOT Public Domain, but it may be copied and
included in public libraries, as long as the following
rules are obeyed:
1) The program is only spread in form of the original
2) No modifications are made to the program, the docs,
or anything else in the distribution *).
3) You don't ask any money for PubIt.
The author cannot be made responsible for any faults, errors
and such caused by the use of this program, you use this
Note that this program has not been tested over a longer period,
but it should work (I've discovered no more bugs!)
*) I've decided to release the source code to the public,
too. For the rules on using and/or modifying the source,
read the PROGRAMMERS part below.
PROGRAM: PubIt is a small tool to open a highly configurable public
screen and run an application on it. Its differs from other
pubscreen tools in the following aspects:
1) You can specify the public screen in almost any kind
(screen mode, -size, colors, dripens, title, pubname ...)
2) You can specify an application via tooltypes, which
is started after the screen is opened.
Some additional tooltypes enable you to use PubIt in a
transparent way: If you once defined the screen outfit
and the application, you just click on the PubIt Icon,
and your application is run on the desired screen. After
you quit the application, PubIt may quit immediately (if
you want this!),
REQUIREMENTS: PubIt needs Kickstart Version 38+ (3.0+) and Nico François Reqtools
library for the requesters to run. If you want to use
it with Kick 2.0, 2.1 you'll have to recompile it and rewrite
the dripen-part (I won't do this, sorry!).
PROGRAMMERS: The source code is included in the distribution for those of
you who find s.th. to improve. The modified source and executable
are NOT TO BE DISTRIBUTED --> You may of course use the modified
version yourself. If you like to get your version of PubIt
distributed, please send me a version of the modified source and
add a note to the history file. I would like you to mark the
modified sections in the source with a note, that YOU (name) have
done it. I will then distribute your version as the new one, to
make it available to the public. This is the ONLY ALLOWED WAY to
DISTRIBUTE any version of PubIt or similar programs which use
parts of the PubIt source.
DOC: PubIt supports a lot of tooltypes to specify the screen outfit,
like color-palette, dripens (these are the pens, you can adjust
with the color-preferences in `multi-color-mode`). Further more
you can define an application wich is started after the screen
is opened.
Note that the preferences are saved in the icon's tooltypes, but
the palette is saved in a separate file. If you want
different screens for different programs, you'll have to
make copies of PubIt (and icon).
To configure the screenmode, the color palette, font and the
application data, you can simply start PubIt (dubble click on the
workbench). PubIt will then open a PAL Highres screen with it's
menu on it.
Screenmode... Opens a screenmode requester. You can
specify the screenmode, size and depth of
the mode to be used. PubIt will immediately
adjust itself to the selected mode.
Color-Palette... Opens a palette requester. You can adjust
the color palette to the desired colors.
Note: If no application is defined, PubIt
will ask you, if you'll like to
save the palette as the default one.
Otherwise the palette is saved in the
drawer of the defined application, as
Define DriPens... Opens a requester which enables you to
modify the dripens.
The Pens-Gadget shows the actual dripen:
The dripens are:
DETAIL: Detail-Pen (default: grey)
BLOCK: Block-Pen (default: black)
TEXT: Text-Pen (default: black)
SHINE: Shine-Pen
... is used for the light
edges of windows, gadgets,
icons, etc.
(default: white)
SHADOW: Shadow-Pen
... is used for the dark
edges of windows, gadgets,
icons, etc.
(default: black)
FILL: Fill-Pen
... is used for the border of
active windows.
(default: blue)
FILLTEXT: Filltext-Pen
... is used for the title text
of active windows.
(default: black)
BACKGROUND: Background-Pen
... seems to be the background
color, eh?
(default: grey)
HIGHLIGHTEXT: Highlight-text-Pen
... is used for imporatant
(default: white)
BARDETAIL: Bardetail-Pen
... is used for the text in the
screens title bar.
(default: black)
BARBLOCK: Barblock-Pen
... is used for the color of
the bar itself.
(default: white)
BARTRIM: Bartrim-Pen
... is used for the line below
the title bar
(default: black)
To modify the color of a dripen, select the
pen (using the Pens-Gadget) and then select
the color. The actual color is displayed in
the rectangular field, right of the Color
Note the new DriPens become active, after the
screen is once closed and reopened.
Font... Opens a font requester. You can specify the
font and it's size for the screen to open.
Note: the new font becomes active, after the
screen is once closed and reopened.
Set Application... Opens a requester for the application data.
Path/File: is a valid path and filename of
your application to start,
Priority: gives the task-priority, your
application will be run with.
Stack: is the stack for the appli.
You can also specify these (and more, but color palette) parameters
by setting the Tooltypes of the icon directly. You can do this by
selecting the PubIt Icon, and then select `Icon/Info...` from the
workbench menus. For more details, see workbench documentation.
PubIt `knows` the following tooltypes:
Tooltypes for the application...
APPNAME the name of the application to start (s.a.)
APPPRI the taskpriority of the application to start
APPSTACK the stacksize of the application
APPARGS shell arguments for the application.
Tooltypes for the public screen...
PUBNAME Name of the public screen (this is not the
screen's title!)
PUBTITLE titlebar text of public screen.
SHOWNAME <YES/NO> display pubscreen's (PUBNAME) name
in the title bar.
DEPTH Number of bitplanes for the screen, valid
numbers are: 1..8 (2..256 colors)
WIDTH the screen width in pixels.
this may be more than visible -> PubIt opens
any screen in Autoscroll Mode.
HEIGHT the screen height in pixels.
this may be more than visible -> PubIt opens
any screen in Autoscroll Mode.
DISPLAYID displayid of screenmode.
FONTNAME name of screen font.
FONTSIZE size of the font.
POPSTART <YES/NO> prompt a screenmode requester on
every start.
INTERLEAVED <YES/NO> use interleaved bitmaps on screen.
SHANGHAI <YES/NO> use public screen in shanghai
mode: This means the public screen will be
the default public screen (normally this is
workbench) and any window which is normally
opened on the workbench will be opened on
the PubIt-screen.
FQUIT <YES/NO> quit immediately after application
has returned. Note: Some applications detach
themselves from the shell/cli, use FWQUIT
for these applications.
FWQUIT <YES/NO> quit immediately, after all windows
are closed on public screen.
THANKS: I'd like to thank the following people:
- my girlfriend for accepting what I'm doing,
- Bastian Kinne for the idea, testing and for the great icons.
- Dietmar Eilert for his phantastic GoldEd
(please improve the block handling!)
- Stefan Stunz for MUI,
- Martin Huttenloher for his great MagicWB (2.0),
- Dirk Federlein for DFA
- The men behind SASG for their work,
- Yes, Tori Amos, Jethro Tull, Rebecca Pidgeon and others
for inspiring / supporting me with good music and T+A for
the high quality of their criterion-speaker-systems...
- Commodore for the Amiga.
- anyone who wrote me a card...
SYSTEM: This program was developed and tested on the following system
A4000 EC68030 MC68882, 25MHz
Kickstart version 39.106, Workbench version 40.35
2Mb Chip Memory, 8Mb Fast Memory,
2 Seagate HDs (84Mb, 124Mb)
Piccolo Gfx Board,
Tested also on
A4000 MC68040 MC68882, 25MHz
Kickstart version 39.106, Workbench version 40.35
2Mb Chip Memory, 4Mb Fast Memory,
450Mb Connor HD.
AUTHOR: If you have any bug reports, you want to write me a card,
or anything else, you can reach me at:
Christoph Rickers
Bismarckstraße 71
28203 Bremen
- Germany -
Phone: (+49) 0421 - 75107 (18:00 - 20:00 weekdays)
EMail will change in the near future and is therefor not
Please do not expect me to answer. If you have questions,
please phone me or include a return enveloppe and stamp,
Current Project: MUI-Statistics Program
for the work and graphical display of measured data.
This is useful for students of science...
(No name, yet).
Future Project: MUI-Calculation Program
like Microsoft's Exel. Any suggestions are welcome,
(this may take a while. No name, yet!)
both programs will cost below DM 50,- and will be shareware
under the rules of SASG (perhaps exept for the price!)
Thanks for using PubIt,
| ... God is real, |
| unless declared integer. |
Amiga lives...